Learn 24/7

Learn 24/7 is e-Learning software specifically created for „Learn Macedonian online“. In the software are installed multimedia courses in Macedonian language.

The multimedia courses contain exercises, tasks, examples, tests, text, image, video, animation, speech, music, that are allowing the students interactively to learn the Macedonian language.

Students at any time can enter into the courses, can stop the learning and later continue, until they finished the course, within period of 10 months.

The results of the interactive study automatically via electronic form, the system sends to the teacher, who is reviewing and returning to the student.

Учи 24/7 Е-Learning софтверот е во фаза на изработка, сепак експериментално можете да го посетите и да го учите македонскиот јазик преку вежбите. За да пристапите до Учи 24/7 Е-Learning софтверот, потребно е да бидете запишани.

Start with the procedure for enrollment

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